Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Counter Surfing

Wolfie loves to counter surf with everybody for the Holidays.  He normally doesnt do it during the rest of the year and I dont want it to turn into a regular thing!

This is the time of the year that we have a whole lot of things going on.  We also have a lot more food out and about that we might not be watching.  We also have guests over who are just leaving stuff around.  Our house has become a giant buffet for Wolfie.

What we have to do is to first understand Wolfies concept of food ownership.  If food is left unattended for a long period of time (you our your guests have food on a coffee table, but arent actively eating) or you abandon the food (physically walk away from it), there is no longer a clear picture of ownership. 

Remember, in the wild, the Alpha Wolf would be the first to eat the killed hunt.  The Alpha Wolf would then walk away from the food, indicating that he was done and that the killed hunt is now available for everyone else.  It it is natural that Wolfie would go after the unattended or abandoned food.  This could be on a coffee table, dinner table, kitchen counter, etc.

Here is what you do:
  • Make sure that food is not left unattended.  If needed, pick up your plate and put it in an area that Wolfie cant reach.
  • Set boundaries.  When you are cooking or have food out in the kitchen, set a rule that Wolfie cant be in the kitchen.  Correct him as he approaches your boundary and praise him when he obeys you.  This can also be done for the sofa or dinner table.
  • Give Wolfie his own goodies (Kong Toys w/peanut butter, cows holves, etc).  This will help to redirect him from your goodies. 
  • Feed Wolfie when you are eating.  This will help redirect him and when he is done, his stomach is full.
  • Instruct your guests not to feed Wolfie.  This might be fun for them, but it will be a terrible thing to teach him for the rest of the year.
  • Take Wolfie outside and engage in some exuberant play.  Getting him tired will minimize his wanting to engage with you inside. 
Remember, it is ok to "correct your guests".  They arent the ones who will have to live with the inappropriately learned behavior for the next fifty weeks of the year.  For more information, please contact The Best Dog Trainers in South Florida.

Vintage Dog Training Video

How beautiful huh?

Puppies Learn Manners

Sherpa is a great yard boss since she helps the puppies learn good manners interacting with the older dogs.

Dog Training Classes at Doglando

Dogs Don their Sunday Best Behavior for a Trip to the Theater!

On Sunday, March 8, 2009, the Caninestein Team took 15 dogs and their owners to The Grove Theater in Upland, CA to attend a production of Bark! The Musical! Our group was there by special invitation from Bark! composer David Troy Francis, and was the first and only group of pet owners ever allowed to bring their dogs with them to the show! (The only other time Bark! has had dogs in the audience was during a fundraiser for Guide Dogs.)

Prior to the show, Barks six-person cast came out to mix and mingle (hand-shakes, no butt sniffing!) with our two- and four-legged students. They were warm and welcoming and made everyone feel at home as we chatted and demonstrated the dogs fun tricks and advanced obedience. Later, as the cast got ready for the performance, the dogs and their owners lined the lobby to greet incoming theater guests. It was a great urban training experience for the dogs; they got lots of practice sitting politely for petting!

With the show about to begin, we took our seats, dogs obediently at our feet, where they remained for the entire 90-minute performance! It was a true testament to the power of dog training. The dogs were on their best behavior, quieter than most small children, and resisting the temptation to join in the pre-recorded chorus of barking and howling dogs that played during the opening number! The only "bark" from our group came at the tail-end (pun intended) of a number about neutering! Point taken.

After the show, our group was invited up on stage for photos with the cast:

It was a wonderful experience for all involved. It also served as the inaugural event for my latest adventure: Caninestein Dog Training. While Im still actively teaching group classes for
J9s K9s Dog Training, Ive decided to expand my horizons to include dog-friendly field trips and events for all of Los Angeles well-trained canine companions, not just J9s K9s alumni. In the coming months I hope to announce a handful of fun activities including Take Your Dogs to the Movies and Dining with Dogs!

Im always open to new ideas, so please follow my blog, tell your friends and share your thoughts!

Until next time... Happy Training!

-Stephanie Colman
Caninestein Dog Training

Camp Doglando S1 Bloopers

Hi Honorary Campers,

The Camp might be over but the fun does not stop. 

Its Raining in Wolfies Bathroom!

Wolfie is potty trained, but he wont go outside when it is raining!  He is 75 lbs. and I am not going to try and use potty pads.  What gives?

If is was raining in your bathroom, would that be the most conducive place for you to go?  I think not.  I have had this problem with many clients and have provided them with an idea that just about always works.  Lets think about the issue facing us:
  • Wolfie has been trained to go to the bathroom outside.
  • Wolfie does not like to go to the bathroom in the rain.
The answer is simple.  When Wolfie goes outside to go to the bathroom, it never rains.  But we are in South Florida and this time of year it is always raining.  What do I do?  Here is the answer:
  • Go to Home Depot and get a few flats of grass.
  • Pick a place on your covered porch where you want Wolfie to go.
  • Put down a drop cloth that is just a little bigger than the flats of grass.
  • Put the flats of grass on the drop cloth.
  • Direct Wolfie to the flats of grass for his potty area when it is raining.
I have now removed the rain from Wolfies bathroom.   For more information, please contact The Best Dog Trainers in South Florida.

Camp Doglando S2 Friday W2

Hi Honorary Campers,

What a wonderful camp it was.  How did we end it: with a trip to the beach and a graduation to remember.

Thank you Campers and Parents for a wonderful experience,

Your Camp Counselors,
Teena, Casey and Summer

Jumat, 29 April 2016

Daycare Dogs Week5


Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane travels 300 days out of the year, traveling all over the world, in her dedication and commitment to educate, raise awareness and plea for action... she started off the engagement by saying "yesterday I had 23 TV interviews.... in one day, today I am here, and am so happy to be in front of each of you. To those I can not see, I hear that there are two overflow rooms where you sit to hear me speak and watch from a TV... to you I say "" She said "I have friends every where I go..." there are Roots and Shoots clubs everywhere, all over the world... where ever I go, I know I have a home and I know I have friends, and I know I have family." She is not alone. That message resonated within me... its exactly what we wanted to create when we started the KARMA Club (Kids Achieving Results for Mankind and Animals). An organization where youths, learn to: be kind, give back, relate, where altruism is facilitated from childhood, and where altruism becomes an innate response, a habit, an act of kindness without thinking about it. Where kids learn culture through their travels, make friends around the world, and where changes happen. It was so great to see so many very young children present, even a girls scouts troop. Her message resonates in my mind as I write this, "you can help, help educate your children..." give them the opportunity to learn and be part of what they know it is to do right... right by their heart, and right by their brain. She shared with everyone her Shoots and Roots initiative, a club for children to practice kindness to animals, people, the environment and themselves. The Jane Goodall Institute releases a bi-monthly publication in which different Roots and Shoots clubs are mentioned off from all over the world. Stories are shared and told, initiatives and movements are recognized, and the "Kindness Leaders (my term)" of tomorrows world are spoken of. Parents were encouraged to find local Roots and Shoots clubs and connect their kids to them. Through this international body of kindness, people connect, friends are made, and families are extended.

A tail of 4 dogs

One afternoon 2 Dobes and their Ninja Yorkie taking time out for a nap.

All is well until the great beast enters the room and then what happened to the 2 Dobes and their Yorkie?  Somehow there just wasnt any room for them.  Were they, perchance, eaten?  Only the Shadow knows what lurks around the corner.

Doglando Training Classes

University of Doglando:  Pet Etiquette School
You can find out more about our classes on our website:

Enjoy a slideshow of our grads: 

Daycare Dogs Week 9

The gang is back to normal at Applewoods

The little dog pack within the pack.

Bella introduces a ball to the group.

Follow the leader?

Butler and Promise back to their old games

Piper and Bella got so tired from running that they had to lie down to play. Obi never wears out.

The young dogs gang up on Sherpa.

Sherpa puts up with their antics.

Obi pushes his luck!

Lulu follows Doberman Duke.

Applewoods Pool Party


Double Place (notice the increased sag from Sherpas weight?)

Every dog wants the bumper..
but Sugar is the fastest dog to launch for it.

After the pool party, tis time for cake.  Wait...what to do with all those wet dogs?
A 45-minute Down/Stay so all dogs could dry out.

What a great way to spend a summer Saturday afternoon-:)

Daycare Dogs Week 18

Kamis, 28 April 2016

FREE Dog Walks at Avalon Park

Doglando/GGBR Family, Friends and Fans

If you remember, this past January was Walk Your Dog month and we walked with our dogs every day.  The turnout was great, we made some amazing friends and most importantly we did things with our dogs.  

This walk was so great that we decided to end the year just as we started it:  With Dog Walks in Avalon Park

We will be meeting in front of Groom Grub every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday at 7PM to start walking.  October 15th will be the official start date.  

So grab your shoes, your pooch and come out.  We hope to see you there.  

JOIN OUR Dog Walking Group on Facebook by clicking HERE. 

Groom Grub is located at 702 Avalon Park East Blvd, Orlando, FL 32828

Preventing Door Darting

Tips on teaching your dog to respect an open doorway, plus management tricks to keep him safe throughout the learning process.

Thanks to Aussie pup, Cash (and his mom, Moira), for playing the part of demo dog! Look for Cash again in an upcoming segment on housetraining.

View more news videos at:

Applewoods 2014 Calendar Contest!

We’re trying something new this year and we’re giving our students a chance to get their dog into our 2014 Calendar! Submit your photos HERE! Photos of your dog doing tricks, on vacation, playing, or anything at all really! Winners will be chosen and notified this fall and will receive a free calendar. Good luck! 

Sherpa and Ben hoping to make the cut this year!

It was a Mud Heaven kind of day

Poppy, the Lab and Danny, the Miniature Poodle totally got into the muddy muck with glee.

Beach Outing

Join us Sunday, December 9th for a Beach Picnic Outing New Smyrna Dunes Park 2995 N. Peninsula Ave. Transportation : $15 per family/dog to ride the Doglando Dog Bus or Caravan to New Smyrna and pay $5 park admission fee We will leave Doglando at 8:30 am (1.5 hr drive approx.) The Dog beach has ample area to walk, run, swim and spread out for a Picnic Facilities to rinse/bathe your salty pups at the end of the day Dogs need to remain on leash (long lines are ok) Bring you own picnic To reserve your seat on the bus contact Doglando at 407-832-3763 by December 8th Dont miss this opportunity for a few hours at the beach, an opportunity to picnic and joyful sandy paws!
Join the EVENT on Facebook: This is how our first Beach Picnic went:

Come to Class Thursday evening but Closing for Memorial Day

We WILL have class Thursday evening but we are closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday for the Memorial Day holiday weekend.  Have a safe and happy holiday and thank a member of our military service!

Rabu, 27 April 2016

Camp Doglando S1 Thursday W2

Can Anyone Say Contortionist

Rescues Connect

Please Join Central Florida Animal Rescuers Passion • Determination • Celebration This will be Doglandos first quarterly event celebrating, connecting and continuing the job of saving lives of unwanted dogs. Please join us on Saturday May 12th from 4:30pm - the dogs bark, at the University of Doglando for this joyous occasion and Pot Luck Dinner. In the field of animal rescue we often forget to celebrate our success, volunteers, foster parents, rescuers, officers, transporters, resource providers, donors, and extended network of helpers... many of them who we have not even ever met in person. On this day, we will meet, hug, laugh and maybe even cry... but together we will stand strong for each other and for the lives we have saved and continue to save. Meet your "friends" in person. Share this invitation with anyone who has helped you in what you do, and join us as we celebrate each other. Where: University of Doglando 12276 E Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32826 When: Saturday May 12th, 2012 at 4:30 pm - till the dogs bark. RSVP: We will provide the Open Bar You bring the Pot Luck

Selasa, 26 April 2016

Six behaviors every dog should know part two

Dog training is simple, but its not easy! Time, patience and consistency are the keys to a well trained dog. In deciding what to train, the possibilities are endless, but some behaviors may be more useful than others. In this three part series, we examine six key behaviors that, when mastered, help make for a harmonious relationship between dog and owner. Today we look at the important skill of being alone as well as why its beneficial to develop play skills in your dog. Check out part two of the series on

Maritime Pets Demo by Team Applewoods

Jan, an Applewoods Dog Training student, shows how his dog, Ben, can swim with him and use the bogey board.