Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

I want a dog but my family is indifferent

This is an especially difficult situation, and not one we realize of being so difficult to handle. The obvious choices to one may be: oh well, just dont get a dog, or get one anyway. Neither one of these two responses are satisfactory, but they are choices people quite frequently make. My best friend Kelly, Theas mum, is stuck in this exact conflicting situation. A dog lover from childhood, who has grown up with not just one, but a house full of dogs ever since she can remember to walk... a dog trainer in her college career, and now married, a mum and an Attorney... her personal and professional life seems to have settled pretty well... one would say! She has two Dachshunds, both senior... and pretty much live on the couch... and two cats, also pretty old in age... she is strongly craving a younger dog. Not necessarily a puppy, but a dog Thea can grow up with, and a dog that she can do things with. She misses this more than anything in life... about three years ago Trey Dog, her canine companion and life partner left to a better place, and she has felt a tremendous void not having him around. Trey was a spunky, quite the character, goof dog... full of life, personality, enthusiasm and intelligence, but quite the independent boy who pushed his limits all the time. He always had to carry a ball around in his mouth, even if he was let out for his last pee call at night... and it was not a tennis ball he had to have, it was a big blue jolly ball! He would carry it along with him on walks... but you know a dogs nose does not work as well with an open mouth... so when he smelled something that required more of his attention, he would drop the ball, and ask Kelly to pick it up while he went on. He did always come back for the ball, she was very well trained. I remember when we worked as Dog Trainers together, Trey Dog picked up graduation presents and bones from the treat isles of the store for all his graduating friends. They all had different things.... Kelly would walk him down and ask him to politely steal some goodies for his graduating friends. Of course we called it stealing, but it was with permission! Today, at the end of the day when its her time and all she wants to do is go on a peaceful walk around the neighborhood, or early mornings when she wakes up just in time to have 30 minutes to an hour alone.... she does not have a running buddy... She can not imagine a life with out an active dog... and looks back at Thea and thinks to herself, how can my little girl grow up without ever loving a dog! So, after much talk and many discussions, she started looking for dogs through local rescue groups, shelters and pet finder. She said "I am going to wait till the right dog finds me... thats how I ended up with Trey Dog remember...." Then she says out loud "doesnt this sound so stupid.... here they all are, every one of the them needing a home, I have a home... the perfect home... what is wrong with me?" I encouraged her to look at the dogs and if there was one she was fond of in anyway to schedule a meet and greet. This past weekend, met a lovely 10 month old Border Collie / Aussie mix. Kellys concerns were that she needed a dog that would not cause harm or danger to her cats, and one that was respectful of the senior dog and her three year old daughter. Foster mum got there, they met the dog outside, and then introduced him to the Dachshunds one by one. Of course, the Doxies had a lot to say about him, but this poor guy just stood there and said, I understand, I wont come say hello then... and he went about his own way. He was so interested in the people quite frankly it did not matter if we he was going to make doggy friends or not... he was the type of dog who just wanted to be loved by a human. Kelly brought him in, and introduced him to one of her cats. The cats way of saying hi was this, Hugo walked up to him, the dog bent down to lower his head to sniff, and Hugo went pa pa pa with his feet across this pups face.... the put did not flinch, scream, go after the cat nothing... he just stood there to say, not a big deal, I can pretend you never exist as well... but where are my people. He spots Kellys Husband sitting on the couch, and goes running over to him and jumps up on him with so much enthusiasm to be loved. Mean while Thea is standing on one side of their living room watching all this... she is three, just taking it all in. Her face, expressionless... not typical for her, so that meant she is thinking... very very deeply. Kelly invited Thea to come in and see if the puppy would play with toys, but disinterested in toys, he went straight for the people once again, and jumped up on her again, with such enthusiasm only wanting for someone to grab him and say, We Love you too! Kelly is completely in a daze at this point... both her husband and daughter set a presence that filled the room, that was a feeling of complete disapproval, but neither voiced their opinions. All she was hoping for is someone to whisper something positive, maybe even something as little as "he seems sweet...." or maybe not even something positive but more so a comment... "hope you are ready for this." At least it would have indicated their feelings to say, he is all yours, but we approve for him to be around. Neither one engaged or interested, Kelly was really sad. She did not show her sadness or disappointment, she gave the puppy a big hug, rubbed him and let him go back to his foster mum. After the foster mum left, Kelly asked her husband how he felt... he was indifferent. Not really wanting another dog, he was concerned about the bills, they have four senior pets that are beginning to require more medical attention... his judgement was all based on practicality. Although a total mush at heart, and he would certainly love the dog if he was to become theres he was not going to let that be seen. Typical of many husbands you may say! I certainly have heard this over and over. So, Kelly walked up to Thea, who was standing right in front of the Dachshunds.... Kelly bent over to her and said, so Thea what do you think? Thea said "I dont like him, I dont think he is a good fit for our family." If anyone has met Thea, you would know I am not making this up. Kelly said "well what do you not like about him..." She said "Nick and Delila did not like him, this is a house for old dogs, he would be a better dog for Grandma Dora." Grandma Dora, Kellys mum has (I have lost count) many dogs... all of which are active, younger dogs... clearly in Theas mind, this dog was a better fit for her grandmother. Kelly let her rest on that for the rest of the day, and the next morning after getting Thea up and ready for school... Kelly asked Thea one more time... "Hey Thea, remember the dog we met last night, well I have to call his foster mum today to tell her how we feel...." Thea immediately said "I think we should get an old German Shepherd mum!" __________ There were clearly very valid reasons and concerns for adding another dog. The practicality rhymes of good reason, were not good enough... not for dog people, they never are! We figure it out and make it work! However, when in doubt, I always say this, refer to the purest source of rhyme and reason, an individual who can think so simply and so clearly, the answers lay within them, ALWAYS... children. In this case, there are several thoughts that came to my mind: - Thea is not growing up with out dogs, as a matter of fact, for her age, she has the right dogs... senior dogs who can walk half a block and then have to be pushed back in a pram the rest of the way.... a three year old girl loves that! - The fact that she was so protective of the Dachshunds, she clearly is indicating we are not ready to share... not with someone who will consume so much of you mum! We dont like that. - This discussion in my mind, is no different that if Kelly said she wanted another baby. Father feels their house if full, three year old feels everything is hers and all about her... mum is the only one who still has her maternal instincts kicking on like wild fire! __________ I think in a couple more years all this would change and would make it the perfect time for Kelly to get a dog she can do more with... in the mean time, she will result to possibly fostering! What a great idea and thanks for allowing me to share this story Kelly Foi!

Wolfie and Separation Anxiety

I think that Wolfie has separation anxiety, what can I do about that?

First of all, you said that you thought Wolfie had separation anxiety.  Lets first describe the symptoms that we can observe to see if this is the case:
  • Uncontrolled barking.  If your "soon to be ex" friends and neighbors report that Wolfie is backing incessantly for very long periods of time while you are gone, you might be dealing with separation anxiety.
  • Destruction.  If you come home to find your sofa in shreds, a new hole in the wall, items pulled down from shelves and tables, etc., you might be dealing with separation anxiety.
Next, lets discuss what causes this problem.  Many times Humans misdiagnose separation anxiety as Wolfie being afraid that he has been left alone.  This might be true for Humans, but Wolfie is a dog.  Here is what is going through Wolfies head:
  • Wolfies canine perspective requires a strong leader to protect his pack.  He does not see you as a strong leader, so he believes he needs to step up to be the leader and protector of the pack.
  • You have now left the pack and are out and about in the dangerous world.  You locked the door, closed the gate, etc. and Wolfie cant fulfill his job.
  • Wolfie tries to call you back and becomes increasingly nervous that you are not responding.  This results in the barking and destruction.
So, what can you do? 

Separation anxiety, along with aggression, are the two most time consuming behavioral issues to resolve.  You first have to understand that you must become the leader of the pack and let Wolfie understand that it is not his job.  This is done through proper training to gain Wolfies bond, trust, and respect.

Next, you need to condition Wolfie to the fact that it is OK when you leave.  There are many actions you can do regarding this matter, but let me provide you with two that work really well for us:
  • Leave for different periods of time.  Up until now, you usually leave and stay away for hours.  You go out to dinner or to work and Wolfie is stuck there for a long time.  Start leaving for a few minutes and come back.  Go out for ten minutes and come back.  Step out the door, count to ten, and come back.  This will remove Wolfies observation that every time you leave, you are gone for a long time.  In removing this observation, you begin to deter his anxiety.
  • Change your routine when you leave.  Wolfie is always observing us.  He knows exactly what we do as we prepare to leave.  As he starts to see these action take place, he begins to become anxious before we ever walk out the door.  Write down exactly what you do before you leave.  Change the order or leave some of the actions out.  You can even prepare to leave and then dont.  This will remove Wolfies observation of "Watch out, Daddy or Mommy is getting ready to leave" and will deter his proactive anxiety.
Good luck, separation anxiety is a hard issue to resolve.  With patience and consistency, you can prevail.  If you have questions, we have successfully resolved this issue for our clients for years.  Please contact us and we can see how we can help.  For more information, please contact The Best Dog Trainers in South Florida.

Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Just for laughs our Applewoods Halloween photos

Halloween at ADT was entertaining as usual and pictures from the party record the fun we had.

Vaccination for dogs

Vaccinations need to be undertaken always by the pet owners and the dogs need to be vaccinated at the appropriate time. This helps to improve the resistance of the animal against some specific diseases causing frequently problems in dogs. The dogs that are orphaned due to the death of the mother have lesser protection in their immune system.Such animals are to be particularly protected against various diseases.
Vaccination is usually started at the age of five to six weeks and prior to this age, the maternal immunity will be helping the animal to have natural disease resistance. It is always better to deworm the animal before the vaccination and this is given emphasis many times. Vaccination against the parvo virus is done at an early age because pups are often being affected by parvo viral infections. The booster dose for each vaccine needs to be given at appropriate time and this helps to build up the immune status to an appreciable manner. Vaccination is carried out in many countries against rabies disease.
Hence, vaccination against rabies is given more emphasis always. Even rabies tags are fixed on to the dog collar of most of the dogs. Rabies vaccine is given at age of thirteen to fifteenth weeks of age and is repeated in fifteenth months time. However, this depends on the type of vaccine used. Once in three years, this is repeated.
In dogs that have not received colostrums or dogs at high risk areas, give measles virus vaccine and killed parvovirus vaccine before five weeks of age itself. Leptospira serovar vaccine is given at six to eight weeks of age and again at tenth to twelfth weeks and at thirteenth to sixteenth weeks.
Then annually repeat this. Bordetella and lyme disease vaccinations are only optional ones in case of dogs. Vaccinations against the canine parainfluenza, canine parvovirus, and canine adenovirus type- two is similar to the schedule maintained with leptospiral serovars.

Summer Precautions For Pets

Summer is here, and especially for us Floridians, we must be very cautious of how the heat impacts our dogs. I see this on a daily basis... dogs lifting up their paws rapidly, or trying to pull even harder to get off the burning grounds, and little do we realize just how hot the side walks are. Today, while at the shelter, I saw a dog indicating "paws on fire" while being taken out to go potty in the play yard that is covered with synthetic turf. Did you know synthetic turf can be 20degrees hotter than natural turf. When taking your dogs out on a walk, try and go out during early mornings and after the sun has set in the evenings. Keep your dog on the grass as much as possible, avoiding pavements and sidewalks. There ares some great cooling products out there, such as cooling vests and dog boots... Groom Grub and Belly Rub in Avalon Park has a great selection of seasonal products for all sizes and breeds of dogs. Keep your pets hydrated, carry water with you at all times. Regulate your dogs body temperature by keeping them cool... misters work great, or even hose your dog off after every walk. Moisturize your dogs paws through out the summer months. For those dogs that live in extreme winters, you should do this for your dogs during winter also. Moisturizing helps prevents cracking or peeling of paw pads. You can use Mushers Secret or Vaseline. Rubbing Alcohol is the fastest way to reduce a dogs temperature. Soak alcohol in cotton balls, and place cotton balls in-between paw pads and in ears. Refer to our previous blog on heat strokes for information on how to handle a dog suffering from heat stroke. Do dogs paw pads burn? YES! Dogs can develop blisters and sores as a result of these burns and it is very painful. In an attempt to alleviate that pain, many dogs will lick their paws, which further complicates the healing process... so practice caution and prevent this from happening.

What is Leadership

What two roles are required for leadership? Out of those two roles, who is more important? What is leadership? Define this by listing 5 words. Do this on your own first, and then join me as we run through my list. In order to have a leader, we must have a follower. There are two roles required for leadership, Leader and Follower. They are both equally important because you can not effectively have one with out the other. When thinking of Leadership, think of an individual you consider to be a leader. Maybe you know this person through a working relationship or a personal relationship. A leader is different from an idol. An idol is someone you may idolize and want to aspire to be, and someone that is more a figment of imagination. Lets keep these two types of people separate from each other, and focus more on the person who has the ability to lead you, direct you, coach you, free you, take you to a position that enables you. When talking about leadership, here are five words that come to my mind: 1. Trust 2. Respect 3. Safety 4. Confidence 5. Teach I can keep going, and I am sure so can you. But lets move on. Now, define five jobs of a leader: Here are mine. 1. To Coach 2. To Create Opportunity 3. To Reward 4. To Challenge 5. To Balance Yours may vary quite a bit from mine, but theres no wrong... we may be saying the same thing in different ways. However the one thing we can commonly agree on will be that a true leaders does not use force or bribes. Right? A leader that threatens, or uses coercion/force/manipulation of rewards through bribery, certainly is not one who will create and build Trust, Respect, Security, Confidence, or able to Teach. This person will not have followers, therefore this person will not be a leader. Who are followers: Followers are intelligent people who can work together as a team to get a job done. The nature of a follower is not submission or weakness. They dont surrender into this position. As a matter of fact, followers are your key players without whom you would not have a leader. Think of followers as Pillars, and Leaders as a Ceiling. Without the pillars, the ceiling can not be raised. Followers are highly skilled people, with an unlimited or unquantifiable amount of potential. Their potential is directly dependent on a leaders ability to do its job: Ability to coach to create opportunities that are rewarding and challenging involving a balanced lifestyle. Dog training is no different. You can choose to use force, or treats to bribe, but if you fail to develop a relationship with your dog, where you dog chooses for you to be the leader and it the follower, you will heavily depend on force or bribery. Opportunity to escape force or the temptation to ignore bribes will increase with time. Think of how this pertains to your relationship with your dog. Leadership is not based on Force, or Bribery. Ye

Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Wolfhound deerhound

Return to A-Z felted fuzzies

Emergency Pet Info

Thought Id add a sample Emergency Pet Info sheet, since I referenced it in my Riding in Cars with Dogs column from from last week. Heres what mine looks like:

(Click to see super-size version.)

Its all simple information, but it can easily be forgotten in an emergency. Well worth it to take a few minutes to create a form of your own and stick it in your glove box.

You know what they say about an ounce of prevention...

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Holiday Begging

As we sit down to give thanks, be sure your dog isnt giving thanks for stolen turkey legs or other table items that might make him sick or even lead to an emergency vet trip!

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Return to A-Z needle felted dogs

Keep Your Dogs Safe Secure on July 4th!

While fireworks offer a dazzling display for people, they can be quite unsettling to dogs. Many dogs are afraid of fireworks, and some even exhibit an extreme, phobic response. The following tips can help:

If you have not lived with your dog for a previous July 4th holiday (therefore, you dont know how hell react to the sound of fireworks), its recommended that you DO NOT leave your dog home alone. Dogs with phobic reactions to fireworks can easily panic and injure themselves in the process. Many panicked dogs find ways to escape from their yards and can be further injured or killed while running loose. Statistically, July 5th is one of the busiest days of the year for local shelters, as people go looking for lost pets. Remember that many neighborhoods celebrate early and continue firework festivities a few days after the 4th, so be prepared. Be sure your dog is wearing a properly-fitting collar with up-to-date contact information, just in case the unthinkable happens and he becomes lost.

If you are unable to stay home with your dog on the 4th of July, keep him confined in an escape-proof area such as his crate or baby-gated in a laundry room or other small, dog-proofed area. Close up the windows (kick-up the AC if needed) and turn up the TV or radio to help insulate your home from firework noise. Leave your dog something WONDERFUL to do -- like extract his dinner from a tightly-stuffed KONG toy.

If youre staying home with your dog - or if he will be accompanying you to a family BBQ or outing - make sure hes nice and hungry when the sun goes down. Arm yourself with a pocket full of mind-blowingly tasty treats (like tri tip off the grill!) and keep him busy working and playing for treats as the fireworks blast in the distance. Play all his favorite games and teach him that the big BOOMS predict that great, fun things will happen! Remember not to spend too much time coddling him if he seems worried. If he’ll eat a treat, it’s better to spend your energy reinforcing his desire to eat rather than focusing on how pitiful he looks.

It is recommended that you NOT take your dog with you to a fireworks display. Hearing them in the distance is dramatically different from being directly AT a display. Over-exposure to the sights, sounds and smells of fireworks can, in some dogs, *create* a phobic response.

For multiple dog families, if one dog already exhibits a fearful or phobic response to the sound of fireworks, be sure to separate the dogs so that non-fearful dog does not "catch" the fear. In dogs, fear and aggression can be very contagious. This is especially important for young dogs who frequently look to the older dogs in the household for information.

If you discover that your dog does exhibit a fearful response to fireworks, find a qualified trainer who can help you. Systematic desensitization and counter-conditioning throughout the year can often improve a fearful dogs response to the sound of fireworks. Keep in mind that dogs who are afraid of fireworks also struggle during thunderstorms and on New Year’s Eve, when fireworks and unfortunately, even gun shots are common forms of revelry. If you already know your dog already exhibits a fear response to the sounds of fireworks, consider trying one of the over-the-counter calming remedies such as Rescue Remedy or melatonin. In extreme cases, you may need to treat the phobia pharmaceutically. Be sure to work with your vet long before July 4th. It often takes a bit of trial and error to determine the best dosage for your pet and you’ll want to be certain what to expect by the 4th.

Have a happy, SAFE 4th of July!

Editors Note: The patriotic Border Collie pictured above is Trace, loved and owned by my friend, Ann. At 1.5 years old, Trace is hard at work in herding, obedience and agility. Hes the total package: smart and handsome! Thanks to Ann for sharing his picture!

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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

Good Citizens

Ahh, misting fan is perfect for hot CGC tests! 
Our annual summer Canine Good Citizen test was last weekend. It was a great success! We had plenty of fabulous people come to act as the milling crowd, to provide dogs (for both the reaction to another dog test and for the milling crowd test), to hold dogs for the supervised separation, to check people in and just to help set the yard up for the hustle of Saturday mornings! The picture above shows the pre-CGC walk through to get everyone on the same page and let the helpers pick their jobs.


When 9:00 am rolled around, there was already a line of dogs waiting to sign up. We were happy to see so many Applewoods students give the test a try. Before we started testing, we had Rugby demonstrate the test items so they could see how the test was being run. Our photographer was working hard and got some great shots of the CGC test in action. A sampling of the pictures are below.

DSC_0092 DSC_0113

This was our largest Canine Good Citizen test yet! Thank you very much to everyone who came to help, and to everyone that came to test their dogs. We will be having another test later in the fall. Stay tuned. 

Common question about vaccination for dogs

Common questions about vaccinations are to be understood by the dog owners, as a priority. One of the common questions is whether the dog needs to be given vaccination on the first week of age or not. The dogs need not be vaccinated within five to six weeks of age. But, if they did not receive vaccinations, then the vaccination against the parvoviral infections used to kill viral vaccines and measles disease may be given. Another common question is whether dog is to be given bordetella disease vaccine and lyme disease vaccine. No, these vaccines are only optional. Can the parvoviral vaccine can be used in first week of life? No. This will interfere with maternal antibody levels.
Can a pregnant animal be vaccinated? Yes. Two to three weeks earlier to pregnancy activity that is expected, the pregnant animal may be vaccinated against viral diseases. This helps to provide maternal antibodies to the young one to be given birth. Is there any need to give rabies vaccine to dogs? Yes. It is a must to go for the anti rabies vaccine for dogs.
When this anti-rabies vaccine is given to the dogs, what precaution does one need to undertake in this regard? Rabies vaccine is given at age of thirteen to fifteen weeks of age and should to be repeated in fifteen months and then once in three years. It is important that the dog is given this vaccine.
However, this depends on the risk area. Is there any need for canine distemper vaccination in case of dogs? Yes. There is a specific requirement in the case of dogs for the vaccination against the canine distemper. This disease is more prevalent in most of the countries.
Is there any vaccination against leptospirosis and at what age, the dog is to be vaccinated? This is to be given at age of at six to eight weeks of age, again at tenth to twelfth weeks, and again at thirteenth to sixteenth weeks of age.

Sammy grows up enough to pass her CGC

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Shhhhh!! Splats on sale

Guess what?? I have a weekend sale on on my Splat bookmarks!!
Nip over to my facebook fan page and grab the code to get 30% off my splats for this weekend only

While you are there hit the like button so your friends can get a chance to see my splats at the lowest ever price!!
They have been my top selling range since I launched them in 2010

Camp Doglando S1 Graduation Day

Hello honorary Campers,

All good things must come to an end.  And we did it with a bang.  Surprise Beach Trip and a graduation during National Dog Party Day.  Essie and Charlie were adopted.  Krystal and Codi went to fosters.  There was a great deal of interest in Dallas, the labs and Cassie.  We will continue to update you as they find homes. 

 Most the dogs were on long leashes, allowing them greater freedom and the campers had the chance to reinforce the trust built over the past two weeks.
 X-Man was a good sport with his dog Krystal.  Here they are taking a break. 
 Delaney wins the Musical Hoops game at the Graduation Ceremony and dog event National dog Party Day in Maitland.
Campers doing great with all of their dogs during the demo. 

Teena, Summer, Casey and Dean

Pet Food Recall

What does it mean when a pet food is recalled? Dog food recalls are vital to maintaining a safe food supply for our pets. They can be conducted in one of three ways… by a pet food company voluntarily, at the specific request of the Food and Drug Administration or by legal authority. Recalls are almost always voluntary. Only rarely does the FDA actually request a dog food recall. Here’s a list of the most recent dog food recalls in the Dog Food Advisor’s database. Recent Dog Food Recalls Diamond Dog Food Recall Summary (5/6/2012) Canidae Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012) Wellness Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012) Natural Balance Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012) Kirkland Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012) Diamond Dog Food Recall Expands Again (5/4/2012) Diamond Dog Food Recall Widens (4/30/2012) Diamond Dog Food Recall Expanded (4/26/2012) Diamond Dog Food Recall (4/6/2012) Pets with Salmonella infections may have decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. If left untreated, pets may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian. What are my choices for foods to switch my dogs to? We would strongly recommend feeding Acana or Orijen. Among our favorites, are also Natures Variety Instinct, and Great Life. All of these foods are available at Groom Grub and Belly Rub in Avalon Park and the University of Doglando. For more information on to speak to a Canine Nutrition Consultant, call 407-277-7387.

What To Do When A Dog Charges You

I was walking down the street this weekend and a dog came out of nowhere and ran at me with his teeth showing, baking like a crazy animal.  I got away just in time and darted into a neighbors back yard.  Is there any thing I can do to avoid this?
We have all experienced the barking and running dog at one time or another.  The important thing to remember is to how to present an uninteresting target to the dog.  The barking and running dog does not come around the corner and go after the tree or the stop sign.  They are uninteresting.  You, on the other hand, present a very interesting "target".  Lets look at some ideas to make you more uninteresting.
  • Dogs need to recognize who you are in order to make a decision about how they are going to act.  Many times dogs have a hard time recognizing men wearing dark glasses and hats.  If you see a dog approaching and they seem the slightest bit pensive, take off your sun glasses and your hat.  This will help the dog to recognize that you are just another animal he knows and not some new, weird beast.
  • Do not scream and run away if a dog charges. You are only showing your weak side (rear end) and are encouraging him to chase you.  You probably can not outrun him and he will eventually jump, knock you down, and maybe even bite (nip) you.  Stand upright, face the dog (do not stare), and make no sudden movements.
  • Allow the dog to approach you and sniff you.  If the dog starts to go around to your rear, slowly turn so that you are always facing him.
  • Cover up your private parts.  (You can never be too safe!)
  • You are presenting an "uninteresting target" to the dog.  Keep it up and he will move off to more interesting targets to explore. 
  • Slowly back up, still facing the dog.  Once you are a safe distance from the dog (a block or so), continue your walk.  
For more information, please contact The Best Dog Trainers in South Florida.

Camp Doglando S2 Wednesday W2

Hi Honorary Campers,

Today was a fantastic day.  We found the perfect person for Tanner and he did get adopted.  Our field trip of the day was to the Firehouse Station 1.

We stopped by the Urban Wetlands at which we worked on off leash recall and the kids had a blast rolling down the only hills in Orlando.

Upon our return we took the dogs and kids swimming and like yesterday, games like Marco Polo and Human Dock Diving.

Your Camp Counselors,
Teena, Casey and Summer

Great Fall weather makes for a good day at Applewoods

Ginger is admired by the Goldens, Ben & Sandy

Mulch Mountain is always a hit

Promise surveys her domain

Pascal & Ginger check out Mulch Moutain

Butler and Promise get into their playtime

Butler wonders how Promise got bigger than him.

Promise settles down to chew a stick.

Promise, quite pleased with herself and her  Sherpa couch.

Busy dogs

Poodle Time

Eli, Derek, Diego, Caruso (sounds like a Salsa band)

Caruso, Derek, Eli and Shadow

Promises favorite couch aka Sherpa

Eli, Diego, Caruso, Shadow & Derek

The Pack enjoys the newly arranged mulch

Leaving Your Dog at the Kennel

When your dog has to spend the night at the kennel, "low-key" departures help minimize stress.

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Weary Roxanne and Sugar Return

Roxanne and Sugar did well in Orlando and as we await their final scoring, they are recovering from the long journey. Since it was warm in Florida and a challenge to cool Sugar, Roxanne was pleased  to find a Dock Diving set up and Sugar didnt hate it. Here they are ready to go home. Sugar looks beat.

Hank the Mastiff Puppy all tuckered out